Sugar Gliders
To start off on this glider-learning adventure, let me put the majority of it into a video for those of you who not only prefer to read, but also listen and observe! This video explains the in-depth care requirements for taking care of gliders properly, such as care, breeding, diets, glider colors, caging, and more. Look forward to an updated, even more detailed version in 2019.
This next video highlights the struggles and the necessity of the absolutely precise methods needed to rescue a sugar glider that has suffered from abuse and trauma. Such measures include internal and external parasite testing, weight management, nail trims after years of overgrowth, addressing self-mutilation and over-grooming because of loneliness, dental health, diet changes, and more. So much needs to be done to ensure proper health.
Often, gliders are victims of the mill breeding business. They end up being inbred, having neurological problems and physical deformities, leading to a stunted life of suffering and pain. It is in the best interest of you and your gliders to make sure they are well bred by breeders who have lineage on their gliders (lineage is a family tree dating back to the first gliders brought to the United States) to ensure their longevity and happiness. Typically, pet stores do not enforce selling lineaged-only gliders and the origins of their gliders are usually unknown, which is hazardous. This video explains this all in detail, specifically how to avoid purchasing mill-bred gliders.
Watch me confront a sugar glider mill breeder / salesman at a local flea market. Although it is hard to watch, it is important to see. If you ever see these kinds of stalls, say something! We should work together to inform those that are unaware of the dangers and cruelty involved in mill-breeding gliders. These mill breeders market them as easy pets with very little care, which is far from the truth. This lie leads to many catastrophes.
Let's go pick out my newest pair of breeding sugar gliders
in this video! In it, watch as I go through the steps of picking out
a healthy glider and test compatibility for breeding rights.
Do you NEED two sugar gliders? Why does everyone always say that you HAVE to keep them in pairs? I explain this topic in detail in this video here!

This pamphlet highlights the basic necessities of glider care. Feel free to duplicate, share and print it as you wish!

This flyer has been used to protest the inhumane sale of sugar gliders. Feel free to reproduce it and share it as you will.
CatAleah's Takeaway:
"I have kept my sugar gliders in a double critter nation for over 3 years. It has a protective coating to prevent rusting, it is stack-able and interchangeable, and I wouldn't recommend any other cage. This particular one comes with a lot of needed extra supplies and cage parts. <--- Plus, it is on sale!"

CatAleah's Takeaway:
"These links have so many uses! You can make so many different toys with them, too. I also use my links to hang up my pouches and toys in the cage. These are safe, washable and honestly, a great investment for any sugar glider owner. Gotta love plastic links!"
CatAleah's Takeaway:
"This cage set is very well made. It has a lot of pieces to it that sugar gliders will thoroughly enjoy sleeping, eating and playing on. It is also made of high quality fleece and won't snag their nails! Every glider needs a special cage set!"
CatAleah's Takeaway:
"If you are looking for a nice quality, glider safe, simple toy set, this toy set is a great place to start! My gliders love their swing. They also LOVE using their foraging toys. This one has some on it! Toys galore!"